Leaping Lamp
BLOCK 12 CONCORD PARK PLACE, Toronto, Ontario, CAN 2022
Commissioned by: Concord Adex Investments Limited
Supervision: Public Art Management: Karen Mills, Ben Mills
Technique: cast aluminium, urethane paint
Dimensions: HLW 6.50 x 1.10 x 5.55 meter
Supervision: Public Art Management: Karen Mills, Ben Mills
Technique: cast aluminium, urethane paint
Dimensions: HLW 6.50 x 1.10 x 5.55 meter
The classic, cast-iron street lamp from the 19th century despite its heavy materiality and light-footedly leaves its accustomed place. The existing wall, originally intended as a separation between the public plaza and the private garden area, is not really an obstacle for the determined lamp. Effortlessly, the lamp overcomes the wall and sets off on new adventures towards the nearby park.
Projekt-Video by Sarah Keenslyside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQzWWH0e6qM
Photos: Inkblot Media for nr. 2,4 and Laura Rossi for nr. 1,3